Sunday, October 28, 2012

Down Down Down


Jenkins, Steve. 2009. DOWN DOWN DOWN. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Books for Children. ISBN 978-0-618-96636-3


Starting at the top of the ocean, readers plunge down through the depths of the ocean, encountering sea creatures at each level.  As the reader travels deeper into the ocean, the colors used on the pages become darker, giving the impression of darkening waters.  The journey ends with information about the ocean floor on the Marianas Trench and with the clear message that there is far more in the ocean to be discovered.


Created with paper-tear technique, the artwork in this book is truly spectacular. Added with the information that is straight-to-the-point and interesting, this book is a true joy for any deep-sea explorer.  The two page spread provides information about the creatures and the conditions in the ocean at that depth.  Very cleverly, the page darkens as the reader heads to deeper water.  A gauge on the side of each page shows the depth in feet, as well as the temperature in that area.  The end of the book provides details about each sea creature and compares the size of them against an average person. Throughout the book, the point is made that the oceans are vast and there is so much more that is needed of the ocean to be seen.  “We have explored only a small fraction of the oceans. In fact, more humans have walked on the moon than have visited the deepest spot in the sea.”


BOOKLIST review: “Sophisticated cut- and torn-paper collage-work fit the alien qualities of the subjects well; it's equally at home capturing the tiered needlepoints of lizardfish teeth as it is delivering an impressive and illuminating display of bioluminescence.”

SCHOOL LIBRARY JOURNAL review: “At the end of the book, an added paragraph about each scene takes up the matter of size. Here length is stated, and silhouettes compare each creature to either an adult human's hand or a full body. The bold views tend to emphasize the weirdness of these little-known species, but the repeated message that humans have much to explore and learn in the deeper ocean is intriguing and inviting.”


There are videos available of deep water explorations. Having a reader watch the video may connect what was read to what he or she is seeing.

Other books about sea life:

Collard, Sneed B. III. THE DEEP- SEA FLOOR.  Ill. by Gregory Wenzel. ISBN 978-1570914027

Cramer, Deborah. SMITHSONIAN OCEAN: OUR WATER, OUR WORLD. ISBN 978-0061343834


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